Saturday, June 19, 2010

30 days at sea

Between packing boxes, moving freezers, serving coffee and Skyping with the family, Jane and I managed to get my food packed for the expedition today.  Jane has been brilliant finding food in Denmark and online and getting it all here in time, before the house disappears into small containers bound for the far North of Greenland.

While I have been preparing blueberry and savoury bannock mixes Jane has been vacuum-packing pasta and Tang.  She has also pre-dried vegetables and chicken ready to be popped into pasta and sauce dishes or added to couscous.

It takes a bit of time but it is very satisfying to see 30 days of food come together. Of course, there is plenty of room - I hope - for luxuries ...

The final daily ration looks something like this:

Oats for breakfast
Fresh-baked bannock bread with butter and tuna for lunch
Couscous or pasta and sauce with home-dried meat and vegetables for dinner with Cadbury's chocolate for dessert.
Assorted drinks like Tang and Cappucino with a cup-a-soup each day.

It doesn't look like much to get through a long day of paddling, but then you haven't seen what I have been squirrelling away in the pockets of my BA!


  1. Det ser ud til, at I nu har fået gods fra Danmark, det ligner noget jeg har modtaget og kigget på længe (chokolade og Tang)

  2. Hej Lise!

    Ja, jeg glemte at nævne dig og Sander i forbindelse med indkøb, modtagelse og opbevaring af samtlige ekspeditionsvarer inklusiv en pagaj! I har også indpakkede det og fragtede den til Aalborg - hvordan kunne jeg glemme jer?

