There has been a change of plan. I have decided to continue the expedition alone, solo. Lars and I are still firm friends and have agreed upon this change in the crew line up.
I have decided that after many years in Outdoor Education and personal trips in the wilderness I am still searching for the ultimate challenge: a solo journey. Living, dogsledging and paddling in this incredible part of Greenland I have been inspired to finally take the plunge and paddle this trip solo.
I have also decided to move away from the previous idea of using plastic/fibreglass boats and, in keeping with the local hunting community, adopt the skin on frame design of the traditional Greenland Kayak, albeit a modern version. To that end I have had the pleasure of discussing possible sponsorship with the Folbot company and we have agreed that it will be possible and we are looking forward to working out the details.
The educational aspect of the expedition will also change focus and become cultural with an emphasis on communication, i.e. I will be learning and discovering the language of West Greenland during the expedition. See the specific pages for further details.
So while I continue to plan the expedition Lars is looking forward to exploring more mountainous areas of Greenland and developing his photographic portfolio; currently featured in an traveling exhibition, calendar and many postcards. Look out for his website coming soon.
The proposed date of the expedition start remains unchanged: July 2010.
Posted by Chris
29. januari 2009
Hey Chris.
Det ser ud som en spændende tur du planlægger og helt alene....wouw.
Jeg håber det flasker sig. Jeppe har en et kajak skelet stående som han har bygget på. Måske kan I udveksle nogle ideer om kajakbyggeri.
God fornøjelse med den fortsatte planlægning.